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If you are interested in finding out more about our service, please contact us via any of the following methods:

call: (07) 4786 2034 (9 am - 5 pm weekdays)

Portable Fundus Camera

This handheld instrument allows us to take a digital photograph of the back of your eye.

This is kept on your file so we can refer to it when we see you again to check for any changes.

Oculus Easyfield Perimeter

This compact visual field screener is used to check peripheral vision for any signs of a reduction light sensitivity which is an indicator of glaucoma and other retinal disorders.

Slit-Lamp Microscope

Basically a binocular microscope, the slit-lamp allows us to look at the elements of the eye in closer detail.


This handheld digital device measures the intraocular pressure (sometimes called the Glaucoma Test).


This handheld digital device takes an objective measurement of your prescription which is them refined by performing subjective tests. This is a very useful device, especially for clients who are non-verbal.